Documentation for dolfin-adjoint 2019.1.2


Have you just discovered dolfin-adjoint and want to get up and running quickly? Then, we suggest you

Next, feel free to take a look at the complete introduction to dolfin-adjoint, more dolfin-adjoint examples, an introduction to the mathematical background of adjoints, or the dolfin-adjoint and pyadjoint API references.


dolfin-adjoint manual

The dolfin-adjoint manual describes how to use dolfin-adjoint and the main features of dolfin-adjoint, and includes introductory examples. For more use cases, see the examples. For technical details about the framework used by dolfin-adjoint, see the pyadjoint documentation.

The mathematical background

Are you not that familiar with adjoints? Adjoints show up in many applications, and in many computational techniques. You might be interested in a mathematical introduction to adjoints and their applications.

Examples of dolfin-adjoint usage

We have implemented and documented a number of examples using dolfin-adjoint.

Many more examples of dolfin-adjoint usage can be found in the separate dolfin-adjoint applications repository on Bitbucket.

dolfin-adjoint API reference

Are you looking for the complete reference documentation? Look no further, it is right here: dolfin-adjoint API reference, pyadjoint API reference.

Frequently asked questions:

Some questions are asked more often than others: take a look at our Frequently asked questions before seeking support.